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SmartAX EA5801

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EA5801-GP08 8*GPON, EA5801-CG04 4*GPON

Lightweight OLT, Adapts to Various Scenarios

The EA5801 is a box-shaped OLT that requires 1U installation space, and is applicable to access point convergence on a small scale. It is suitable for lightweight deployment in enterprises. One OLT can meet the service-carrying requirements for an enterprise or campus.

PON Combo Technology

The EA5801-CG04 supports the PON combo technology, and can work with the built-in WDM1r optical module to support smooth evolution from GPON to XG-PON.

Rapid Deployment, Facilitating Installation and Reducing Engineering Costs

The EA5801 can be installed in indoors or outdoors cabinets. When installed outdoors, it can be easily deployed in high temperatures, protecting personnel and conserving cabinet space.