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At the core of the cloud computing platform, Huawei FusionCompute hypervisor uses a bare-metal architecture to virtualize server resources, such as CPUs, memory, I/O resources, which are converted into logical resources that can be centrally managed, scheduled, and allocated.

Using logical resources, FusionCompute enables a physical server to simultaneously run multiple isolated VM execution environments, improving resource utilization, meeting flexible and dynamic resource allocation requirements for applications. In addition, FusionCompute provides live migration and hot backup functions to ensure high VM availability, as well as a VXLAN large layer-2 network with raw device mapping (RDM) functions to provide low operating expenditures (OPEX).

FusionCmpute Architecture
Huawei FusionSphere Cloud OS

FusionCompute GUI walkthrough

FusionCompute GUI walkthrough is shown below. For live online lab access, please contact ActForNet sales team at [email protected].

Login page

FusionCompute login page

Home page


VM and Template-getting started

FusionCompute Vm and Templte


VM and Template-VM

FusionCompute-Vm and Templte-VM


Computing Pool

FusionCompute computing pool


Computing pool-ManagementCluster

FusionCompute computing pool management cluster


Computing resource-Hyprvisor-getting started

FusionCompute computing pool hypervisor


Computing resource-Hyprvisor-Monitoring

FusionCompute computing resource Hypervisor monitoring


Computing resource-Hyprvisor-Configuration

FusionCompute Computeing pool hypervisor screenshot


Computing resource-Hyprvisor-VM

FusionCompute Conputing pool hypervisor VM screenshot


Computing resource-Hyprvisor-Device

FusionCompute computing pool hypervisor device screenshot


Computing resource-Hyprvisor-Storage

FsusionCompute hypervisor storage screenshot


Computing resource-Hyprvisor-Hardware

FusionCompute computing pool hypervisor hardware screenshot


Computing resource-Hyprvisor-Task Tracking

FusionCompute computing pool task tracing screenshot


Storage pool

FusionCompute storage pool screenshot


Storage pool-Data Store

FusionCompute data store screenshot


Storage pool-Data Store-summary

FusionCompute storage pool data store summary screenshot


Storage Pool-VM

FusionCompute Storage pool Vm screenshot


Storage Pool-Host

FusionCompute Storage pool Host screenshot

 Storage pool Disks

FusionCompute Storage pool Disk screenshot


Network Pool

FusionCompute network pool


Network Pool-ManagementDVS

FusionCompute ManagementDVS screenshot


Network Pool-Port

FusionCompute Network Pool port screenshot



FusionComnpute Monitoring screenshot online lab


 System User management

FusionCompute System


System Role management

FusionCompute system role management screenshot online lab


System password policy

FusionCompute system password policy


System Domain Authentication

FusionCompute System domain authentication screenshot


System Tasks and logs-task center

FusionCompute System takss and logs screenshot


Operation Logs

FusionCompute system operation logs


system configuration

FusionCompute System configuration screenshot


System connect to-FusionManager

FusionCompute system connect screenshot online lab


System connect to-VNC login authentication

FisionCompute system VNC login authentication screenshot online lab


System network change Management VLAN

FusionCompute network change management VLAN screenshot


 System network change Host IP address

FusionCompute system network change host IP address screenshot